项目内容包括品牌概念、 品牌定位与 承诺、 品牌接触点等理论知识与案例 实战。 学生将通过项目全面提升书面 和口头沟通、 案例分析、 批判性思维、 接受新观点的能力。 课 程结束时, 学生将能够根据组织的战 略业务和传播目标评估组织的品牌产 出, 提交报告, 进行成果展示。
导师在哥伦比亚大学任教,曾任美国平面设计协会(AIGA;全球规模最大、历史最为悠久的专业设计协会)全国委员会成员、深受全球年轻人喜爱的音乐电视传媒机构MTV Networks的V.P.品牌创意总监,以及美国知名有线电视频道Nickelodeon的创意总监。
Arhat 导师在牛津大学多个学院(赛德商学院、布拉塞诺斯学院、圣凯瑟琳学院)担任经济学/财务会计终身教职,导师本科毕业于牛津大学PPE专业,后进入LSE攻读经济学硕士学位,并在此基础上获得了LSE的数学和哲学博士学位。得益于导师出众的交叉学科能力,他的金融经济学专业的研究成果和教学水平受到了业内的一致好评。导师在LSE任职期间多次获得学生评选出的优秀教师奖项。导师除了在学术研究方面颇有建树之外,他在实践工作中也经验丰富。导师持有英国精算协会正式会员席位,也曾是百慕大金融管理局(BMA)高管团队的一员,任职于BMA的政策、研究与风险部门。导师曾在多家知名机构和企业担任顾问,其中包括百慕大金融管理局、百慕大银行、百慕大政府、英国外交部、德国财政部等。 Arhat’s areas of expertise span the economics, finance, and accounting disciplines. He holds Lectureships in Economics at Christ Church and St Catherine’s College within the University of Oxford. In previous years, while at Oxford, he held Lectureships in Economics at Brasenose College, St John’s College, St Peter’s College and Hertford College, as well as a Lectureship in Management at Hertford College. Arhat serves as an adjunct member of the Economics Faculty at Hong Kong University, as well as being a Research Associate at the London School of Economics (LSE). Arhat is also a member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. Arhat’s areas of expertise span across economics, finance, accounting, and philosophy. He holds Lectureships in Economics at Oriel and St Catherine’s Colleges within the University of Oxford. In previous years, he held Lectureships in Economics and in Management at several Oxford colleges. Arhat serves as an adjunct member of the Economics Faculty at Hong Kong University, as well as being a Research Associate at the London School of Economics (LSE). Arhat is also a member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. Prior to returning to Oxford in 2014, Arhat was a member of the senior management team at the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA), working as a Director of Policy, Research and Risk; the BMA is the integrated regulator of Bermuda’s financial services industry. Previous to that, he held positions as a London School of Economics (LSE) Fellow in Economics, a Research Fellow in the Philosophy of Economics at the University of Bielefeld and a Visiting Lecturer in Economics at City University (London).
本项目将重点介绍现代企业财务分析的基本理论和概念。学生将在项目中学习到: (1)融资和投资对企业政策的影响以及金融市场在企业战略决策中的作用; (2)如何根据财务报表和企业的现金流量对公司和股权进行估值; (3)市场的不确定性如何影响上述的企业金融决策和企业战略方向。虽然本项目涉及大量的量化内容,但我们强调经济直觉和思维,经济学的基本理念将贯穿于整个学习过程。本项目将为学生提供一个分析企业财务问题的框架,这包括基本的企业财务分析、价值投资方法、公司价值的测算、股权定价以及金融市场中的证券投资组合理论。
This program introduces the fundamental theoretical concepts underlying the modern analysis of financial markets. Students will learn (1) about the relevance of financing and investment for corporate policy and the role of financial markets; (2) how to value investment projects and securities based on their cash flow streams; (3) how uncertainty affects all the aforementioned While the program involves extensive quantitative training, we put emphasis on economic intuition and thinking throughout the topics covered. The program equips students with a framework for analyzing financial problems and can therefore be considered a prerequisite for any advanced finance elective courses.
Advanced 1v3-5 Seminar: Being Human in the Age of AI: Anthropology for the New Millennium
Bradd is an American cultural anthropologist who is best known as a leading authority on Samoan culture and a foundational theorist of the cultural models school of cognitive and psychological anthropology. He is the Goodrich C. White Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at Emory University and is a former Department Chair. He is the former Director of the Emory Center for Myth and Ritual in American Life and is also a past President of the Society for Psychological Anthropology. His 1996 monograph Culture in Mind: Cognition, Culture and the Problem of Meaning was among the first studies to link multiculturalism to cognitive psychology, and was an effort to reformulate a conception of culture that could bridge the fields of anthropology and the cognitive sciences. It has become a keystone text in the field of cognitive anthropology. His first book, Sala’ilua: A Samoan Mystery (1982), was considered one of the earliest studies of ethnopsychology.
Anthropology is the science of human nature. It studies where humans came from and how they have changed biologically and culturally over six million years of evolution. Whereas most classes in anthropology look backward to evolutionary history to understand who we were and who we became, this course looks to the future to what “the human” is becoming under the influence of new technologies. The course will focus on how our evolving technology reshapes our understanding of who we are as we enter the age of AI. The course is based on a simple idea: humans make tools, and those tools revise our understanding of “the human,” changing the very idea of what is human. Through readings, discussions, and lectures, the course will outline an Anthropology For the New Millennium. Students’ research projects will involve students doing online research (interviews, questionnaires, reading or viewing of media) to study how our emerging technology is changing people’s ideas of human behavior. Students can study groups of people to do comparative studies (of generations, urban/rural populations or genders) or study the influence of modern technology on popular culture (e.g., films, entertainment, video game culture).
Alexei导师现任职于哥伦比亚大学,教授财务价格分析中的数学方法、资本市场和投资等课程,拥有普林斯顿大学应用与计算数学硕士及博士学位,是Systematic Alpha Management LLC (SAM)公司研究主管及合伙人。导师研究成果广受业界认可,曾发表多篇论文于International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance、World Scientific等业内知名学术期刊中。 Dr. Alexei is currently a Physics Development Senior Specialist with Dassault Systemes and an Adjunct Professor with Columbia University, Mathematics Department. From 2000 until 2019 he was a Head of Research and Portfolio Manager for Systematic Alpha Management, LLC. He graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology in 1990 with Highest Honors in Theoretical Physics & Applied Mathematics. He earned his PhD. in Applied & Computational Mathematics from Princeton University in 1995. Prior to co-founding SAM, Dr. Alexei worked for Wexford Management (Quantitative Analyst, options pricing and trading), BNP Paribas (Proprietary Trader, quantitative global fixed-income futures trading, Fixed Income Swaps Desk), TrendLogic Associates (Assistant Director of Research, global futures and equities strategies).Dr. Alexei 's scientific background relates to such fields as hydrodynamic instabilities and fluid turbulence. Throughout his career in science and finance, certain results of Alexei's work were published in leading physics and finance periodicals.