武汉大学 计算机学院 教授
英国伦敦大学 博士
爱尔兰DCU大学 外聘博士生导师
曾先后在名校从事教学和科研,以及华为从事科技开发近30年,先后主持完成科研项目20多项,开发高科技产品10多项。近10年发表包括在IEEE TIP内的国际学术期刊和会议论文60多篇,科技专著1本(Science Press),授权发明专利8项。担任国际学术大会主席20+次,作大会报告30+次。曾担任2个国际学术期刊主编。
2024暑期iHUB·海外:EE电子工程 自动控制专题: 探索自适应机器人的工作原理及其在高精智能控制的应用研究
导师Harrison现任牛津大学工程科学系教授,兼由14名博士生和博士后组成的研究小组组长、哈里斯曼彻斯特学院讲师;曾任麻省理工学院机械工程系客座研究员。担任Science, Nature Communications, PLoS journals, ACS journals, Royal Society Interface, IEEE Transactions等十多种知名学术期刊审稿人,UKRI, NSF, Swiss National Science Foundation等机构奖金评审人。开源Chi.Bio实验自动化平台的创始人和发明人,约100个学术和工业实验室使用(https://chi.bio/)。OxVent(由来自牛津大学和伦敦国王学院的工程师和医生组成的多学科团队)首席技术官兼电子团队负责人。曾在德国知名研究机构DESY担任工程师,致力于下一代粒子加速技术。曾在美国航天局艾姆斯研究中心担任研究科学家,从事南极环境项目以及火星和木卫二的行星任务。曾获得Philip Leverhulme奖(英国国家奖每三年颁发给五名工程师,表彰那些工作已经获得国际认可的早期职业研究人员)、EPSRC新视野奖(开发控制细胞进化的机器人显微镜新技术)等多个奖项。Pro.Harrison is currently a professor of the College of Engineering Sciences, Oxford University, and the leader of the research team composed of 14 doctoral students and postdoctoral students, as well as a lecturer of Harris Manchester College; Previously served as a visiting researcher in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Served as a reviewer for over ten well-known academic journals such as Science, Nature Communications, PLoS journals, ACS journals, Royal Society Interface, IEEE Transactions, and as a prize reviewer for institutions such as UKRI, NSF, and Swiss National Science Foundation. Founder and inventor of the open-source Chi Bio experimental automation platform, used by approximately 100 academic and industrial laboratories( https://chi.bio/ )。 Chief Technical Officer and Electronic Team Leader of OxVent, a multidisciplinary team of engineers and doctors from Oxford University and King's College London. Formerly worked as an engineer at the renowned German research institution DESY, dedicated to the next generation of particle acceleration technology. He once worked as a research scientist in the Ames Research Center of NASA, engaged in the Antarctic environment project and the planetary missions of Mars and Europa. He has won multiple awards, including the Philip Leverhulme Award (which is awarded every three years to five engineers by the British National Award to recognize early career researchers whose work has been internationally recognized), the EPSRC New Horizons Award (which develops new technologies for robotic microscopes that control cell evolution), and more.
最近,他因其在工程学、生物技术开发和开源工具创新方面的贡献,荣获RAEng年度青年工程师奖和Sir George Macfarlane Medal 2023,并因其在创建开源生物反应器技术方面的开创性工作,获得牛津大学的早期职业商业影响奖。Recently, he was honored with the RAEng Engineers Trust Young Engineer of the Year awards and the Sir George Macfarlane Medal 2023 for his contributions to engineering, biotechnology development, and innovation in open-source tools. Additionally, he received the University of Oxford's Early Career Commercial Impact Award for his pioneering work in creating open-source bioreactor technology.
本项目主要研究控制自动化和数字技术的原理。通过学习,学生将能够了解离散控制系统相关知识,掌握通信和机器人系统等数字技术中自动控制器的设计和分析方法。具体内容涵盖控制方法论、控制系统的数学分析、控制设计方法、离散控制系统及其前沿应用。为以后学生能够在电气自动化、机电一体化、机器人和数字系统工程等领域深入研究打下坚实的基础。This project mainly studies the principles of control automation and digital technology. Through learning, students will be able to understand knowledge related to discrete control systems and master the design and analysis methods of automatic controllers in digital technologies such as communication and robot systems. The specific contents include control methodology, mathematical analysis of control system, control design method, discrete control system and its cutting-edge applications. To lay a solid foundation for future students to conduct in-depth research in fields such as electrical automation, mechatronics, robotics, and digital system engineering.
智能仿生机器人:类人机器人Atlas和机器狗Cyber Dog的技术原理研究
Fumiya导师现任剑桥大学工程学院机器人方向终身正教授、剑桥大学仿生机器人实验室主任,曾任苏黎世理工学院(ETH Zurich;国际研究型大学联盟、全球大学高研院联盟、IDEA联盟成员,以研究闻名,多年蝉联欧洲大陆高校翘首)教授、麻省理工学院计算机科学与人工智能实验室博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Associate)。Fumiya导师的研究聚焦仿生机器人、快速机器人制作与进化机器人学、生物系统神经生物机械建模等,在国际知名学术期刊发表论文百余篇,出版多部专著,学术引用量达5401,i10-index87。 Dr.Fumiya is a full prof at the University of Cambridge. From 2006 to 2009 he worked as a postdoctoral associate at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology in USA. In 2006 he was awarded the Fellowship for Prospective Researchers from the Swiss National Science Foundation and, in 2009, the Swiss National Science Foundation Professorship. His research interests include biologically inspired robotics, embodied artificial intelligence, and biomechanics, where he was involved in a number of research projects related to dynamic legged locomotion, navigation of autonomous robots, and human-machine interactions.
The project includes Matlab programming, robot simulation, robot design and conformation, robot trajectory planning and search, and robot learning and evolutionary algorithms. Students will familiarize themselves with the basic theoretical knowledge of robotics and bionics through the project, learn about the latest discoveries and examples of biology led by engineering, and submit a report on their personalized research project at the end of the project to present their results.
Individualized research project reference:
Evolutionary algorithm-based path and collaboration optimization for soccer robots
Robot dynamics parameter identification method based on improved differential evolutionary algorithm
Design of power control system for service robots
吴老师 上海交通大学生命科学技术学院 教授 博导 Memorial Sloan Kettering癌症中心/Howard Hughes医学研究所 博士后 哈佛大学医学院 博士后 普林斯顿大学 化学系 博士 上海生物物理学会理事 科技部国家重点研发计划合成生物学重点专项课题组长 研究方向: 物理化学合成生物学、冷冻电镜结构生物学 独立建立了上海交通大学第一个结构生物学实验室。在Science、Nature(2篇)、Molecular Cell(3篇)、PNAS、Nature Microbiology、Nature Communications(4篇)、Nature Chemical Biology、Cell Research(2篇)、Nucleic Acids Research(3篇)、Cell Discovery(3篇)、mBio(3篇)、Journal of Molecular Biology、Journal of Molecular Cell Biology、Molecular Microbiology(4篇)等发表论文,被引用2600余次。发表的APC-Asef复合物结构论文被英国皇家学会院士Mariann Bienz选入生物医药类论文权威数据库Faculty of 1000(Faculty Opinions数据库的前身),并在此基础上与同事合作开发抑制结肠癌细胞迁移的化合物(Nature Chemical Biology, 2017)。发表的TSCC复合物冷冻电镜结构论文被权威数据库Faculty Opinions录入。发表的Smac-XIAP复合物晶体结构被Novartis、Genentech等公司作为开发抗癌药物的基础。